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Student Life

USF assists veterans in expanding education

Through Veteran Services, a division of Student Affairs, USF is now one of eight colleges experimenting with the new program VetSuccess, which offers assistance to veterans who are making transitions to a different kind of assignment.

USF was one of the first to implement changes under the “Post 9-11 GI Bill,” which paves the way for veterans to pursue their educational dreams after coming home from the battle fields.

This transition is not an easy for most. Veterans usually do not have the funds to go back to school and receive their degree, something the Post 9-11 GI Bill has made more possible. Full tuition and even housing is often covered under the bill, allowing veterans to pursue their dreams without the financial burden.

VetSuccess, a program implemented under the bill, offers a more transitional aid. Career counseling, academic advice and financial aid are just a few of the services offered that help with the adjustments when coming from combat to civilian life.

USF’s goal through this program is to honor veterans by returning the favor of service. In exchange for veterans dedication to their country, USF’s Veterans Services hope to show their appreciation by striving to meet the educational needs of many ambitious soldiers.

USF recently held a golf tournament to raise funds for veteran students’ expenses. The Veterans on the Green Golf Classic took place April 9 at The Claw at USF.


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