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Greek Organizations

ADPI Cheer, Toss and Tumble

TAMPA- Alpha Delta Pi hosted the Cheer, Toss and Tumble fundraiser for the Ronald McDonald House March 29.

The Corral of the Sun Dome was packed with people who came to watch the Greek cheerleading competition.  Admission to the event was $5 per person and all of the money was given to the Ronald McDonald charity.

The Master of Ceremonies was Samantha Davis, a senior in ADPI, and in charge of the music for the event was DJ Knex, Jonathan Welty, a senior in Sigma Alpha Epsilon.  There were 11 routines, five of which were sororities and the other six were fraternities.

This wasn’t just a charity event, this was a chance for the sororities and fraternities to compete with each other while raising money for a good cause.

The competition was judged by two coaches of a Pop Warner cheerleading team and a member of the University of South Florida All-Girl cheerleading team.  The judges were given a score sheet divided into categories including pyramids, stunts, jumps, cheer and dance, transitions, overall appearance, timing and how well they incorporated ADPI.

The performance category was based solely on the routine and was won by Zeta Tau Alpha and Sigma Phi Epsilon.  Delta Gamma and Sigma Chi were awarded first place overall meaning they averaged the highest between all of the categories; pocket change, performance, attendance and t-shirt sales.  Torrey Taylor, sophomore in Sigma Delta Tau, said, “I think that the competition was judged fairly and I agree with who won best performance for both sororities and fraternities.”

ADPI’s Cheer, Toss and Tumble was successful in raising a total of $16,000 all of which was donated to the Ronald McDonald house.

About Kerstin Hutchens

I am a student at the University of South looking to earn a degree in Mass Communications.


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