“I really don’t know how I came up with it all,” said Ellen Mueller after a reading of her art project for the Starting Fires exhibit now at the University of South Florida.

Ellen Mueller reading her book. Photo by: Paul Lockwood
Mueller compiled artwork she started working on last June thru this semester into a book and video narrative being shown along with other projects at the Master of Fine Arts graduation exhibit at USF’s Contemporary Art Museum. The book is filled with colorful images of time machines, dreamscapes and telepathic aliens. Mueller will be reading from her book the next two Fridays at noon while dressed as characters from her book.
The free gallery is showcasing Mueller’s and other master’s degree candidate’s artwork and Mueller’s Monday to Friday 10a.m.–5p.m., and Saturday 1p.m.–4p.m. The show is displaying a variety of mediums from oil paintings by Ryan Foster to ceramics by Zak Hemsteger and other projects by nine different MFA students including Mueller.
Mueller went about developing her project by sitting in a room with a large sheet of paper on the wall with only a few ideas of places and characters. “After I started to get more and more pictures on the wall, I realized this had to be a book,” said Mueller. Then after a lot of rearranging and work Mueller was able to make her deep and detailed artwork narrative.
The students’ hard work and effort is evident in the work they produced. The exhibit runs through May 7.
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