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Student Life

5 things you don’t know about the SG presidential slates: Christopher Cano and Roman McCreary

Christopher Cano, a student government presidential candidate, and Roman McCreary, his running mate for vice president, were spotted around campus meeting and greeting students hoping to gain votes for this week’s upcoming election. Their aim is to maximize and enhance the overall student experience and provide opportunities for students to get involved on campus and within the community, but we bet there are some things students don’t know about them. Here are the five top things you probably don’t know, plus a bonus five the Digital Bullpen found out:

1. Cano proposed to McCreary that they run as a team, being that McCreary is one of the people Cano trusts most and they have a close relationship. Cano has been dating McCreary’s sister for the past few years, and he and McCreary will be brothers-in-law soon.

2. Cano prides himself on being a great family man.  Two of his best friends are his parents. When he graduated with his bachelor’s at age 20., he went on a cruise to the Caribbean with his parents. It is one of his fondest memories. They ended up getting him drunk. He was sick for the rest of the night and the next day. Cano is 28-years-old and has not drank alcohol since.

3. Cano is a first generation college student who is currently finishing his Master’s in Public Administration. He hopes to graduate and become a Tampa city manager or budget director. His favorite class is public budgeting. He is working on a project to improve the budget for Temple Terrace. Cano also said he is working on becoming president before he turns 50.

4. Cano’s last name isn’t really pronounced Caan-ow as most people think, it’s Kane-ow, and he anglicizes it to make other people feel more comfortable. His middle name is Carlos.

5. When Cano is not busy working, he loves listening to music and having fun. He went to his first concert during the summer of 2011 to see Sade, one of his favorite artists. He also enjoys eating out at PJ’s Oyster Bar near Indian Rocks beach, where his favorite dish is the “gaitor tail.”

6. McCreary is a devoted Christian. His mother is a pastor who has aided in his religious upbringing. He does a lot of philanthropic work with groups such as Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship on campus and the Red Cross Armed Forces. One of the best memories he has thus far was passing out sandwiches and hot chocolate to the homeless.

7. February marks McCreary’s third month living as a civilian. He joined the U.S. Army three years ago as a 68-Whiskey combat medic, and was honorably discharged due to an injury. During the course of training he sustained two hernias, which he concealed from his bunk mates and other officers. He says he would, “just push them back in.” When he finally decided to see a doctor about the issue, three additional hernias were found.

8. McCreary is a military brat who has lived all over the world. He was born in Germany. Though English is his first language, he speaks German as well as Spanish and French.

9. McCreary is currently majoring in sociology and hopes to return to the U.S. Army as a medical officer after he graduates.

10. McCreary is apart of Zeta Beta Tao. Sometimes he is faced with going along with the group or staying true to his Christian values, but he feels he is respected for doing what he believes in. Before joining the fraternity he thought of fraternities and sororities as they are sometimes stereotyped. Later when attending a party he realized he had many similarities with them, and many of those in the Zeta Beta Tao fraternity were already good friends of his, which was his reason for joining.

Voting day starts today (Monday, Feb. 27), and whether they win or not, Cano and McCreary said they hope the entire student body votes and has their voices heard.


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