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Greek Organizations

Greek Week

TAMPA- The sorority competition began Monday, April 12, at the start of this year’s Greek Week.

Sororities and fraternities were paired to make up eight teams who participated in the Greek Week festivities.  Monday through Friday last week, every member had to visit the Greek Life Office and sign in.  Cori Campbell, a senior in ADPI, said that, “When we sign in everyday we have to be wearing our letters to show our Greek support.”

The first activity was a dodgeball tournament that was held in the upper gym of the USF Recreation Center.  Alpha Delta Pi won this tournament so they received took the lead in the event competition with a total of 50 points.

Seek and Snap, a campus scavenger hunt, was the activity for Tuesday and was meant for members to become more familiar with campus and the history.  Points were awarded to teams based on the accuracy of the photos they took and if they were turned in on time.

On Wednesday, a luncheon was held for various faculty members in order for the Greek society to show its appreciation.  Each team had to come up with a list of 5-10 faculty members by March 27 in order to earn points for this day.

A Greek god and goddess competition took place on Thursday whose participants were selected by a panel of judges.  There were three parts of the competition including a skit, Toga design and a quiz type part in which contestant’s knowledge of Greek Life if questioned.  The winners were from Alpha Delta Pi and Theta Chi.

Friday a variety show took place where teams could show off their talents in a skit that was 7-10 minutes long.  This was judged on categories including costume and props, performance, entertainment value and regulations.

The last day of competition began at 8 am and held five different Greek games that each team participated in.  The winner was determined by which team had the highest total amount of points in the categories of event, attendance, spirit and pocket change.  Greek Week concluded with an awards ceremony when the Team 8, made up of Alpha Delta Pi, Sigma Nu, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Phi Beta Sigma and Sigma Beta Rho, was announced as the winner.

All of the proceeds from Greek Week were donated to Children’s Miracle Network.

About Kerstin Hutchens

I am a student at the University of South looking to earn a degree in Mass Communications.


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