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Student Life

USF student government President-elect Matthew Diaz ready to serve

As the academic year draws to a close, the date for president-elect Matthew Diaz to take office quickly approaches. Soon, he will begin the work he campaigned so passionately to do.

As student government begins the transition between administrations, Diaz and his vice president, Zachary Johnson, will be faced with many tasks. One of the most immediate concerns is filling the positions that will become vacant.

“As soon as it’s May 9, the executive branch will be Zach and I,” said Diaz. “We’ll be starting day one by hiring the staff, once we get those positions full we can start working on our initiatives.”

Although the transition period will be busy and demanding, Diaz is happy and excited. He’s confident everything will run smoothly and is optimistic about the handover.

Diaz also feels prepared for the responsibilities ahead. He’s been involved in student affairs since high school and continued throughout his attendance at USF. Diaz has amassed knowledge through his work as a Senator, Orientation Team Leader and Senate President Pro Tempore.

These experiences have also served as motivation for Diaz to continue enforcing the principal of familiarizing students with their governing body. He feels that in order for Student Government to fulfill its purpose properly they have to get more and more students involved.

“The senators, the executive branch…we have to get out of this office and interact with the student community,” said Diaz. “We have to go out to the Bull Market or the student halls and talk with students and say, ‘hey do you know that this is going on?’”

About Michelle Mijide

Hi. My name is Michelle. I like skimming celebrity gossip blogs and I'm obsessed with children's television.


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