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USF Administration

Admissions extends application deadline for incoming freshmen

The University of South Florida Admission Department has extended their application deadline to May 1, 2011 for the 2011-12 academic year.

High school students still looking for places to apply to college now have chance to become a bull. USF has decided to accept applications until May 1 in hopes of meeting quotas for the next academic year.

“Our admissions standards have dramatically changed from previous years and we are looking to fill quotas so that USF reaches its maximum potential for the future,” said David Henry, Senior Associate Director of Admissions.

Admission requirements will remain the same and the national deadline to decide is still May 1. Andy Eifert, visitation coordinator and admissions recruiter, hopes students take the opportunity to visit the campus.

According to 2010 statistical data from admissions software Recruitment Plus, 26 percent of students who visit the university deposit and attend USF. In 2009, only 18 percent of students who visited deposited with USF.

This data suggests that campus visits play a large role in a student’s overall decision.

“Sometimes it’s not about what school has the best program. Sometimes it’s about whether you feel at home when you visit the campus,” said Leslie Ann Lopez, outreach director of the Green and Gold Guides. “After all, it will be your home for the next four years.”

Admissions hopes students find a fit with USF. But, until then, it is unclear whether the university extended the deadline because of few admissions deposits. The news is still not publicized on the website, and plans for it to occur are unlikely.

About Stephanie Fred

19 year old college student documenting the steps it takes to become successful in public relations.


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