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Student Life

USF’s Multicultural Affairs dances toward its goal

The University of South Florida’s multicultural community, a sector of USF Division of Student Affairs, has played an active role in the collegiate community within the past couple of weeks.

Last Tuesday, the multicultural community held an evening of dance filled with intriguing genres from around the globe. After two months of intense rehearsals, “The Evolution of Dance” event captivated its audience through gyrating, stomping and flowing features incorporated in its movements. From the community, 15 groups incorporated their diverse genres like zumba, strolling and hip-hop.

“An important aspect of this event is to not only portray our culture’s history of dance but also for students to see the link through the culture’s genres,” said Melchisedek Jean, marketing co-chair of the event. “They are all similar yet so different simultaneously.”

Prior to the showcase, the multicultural community took a more serious approach in response to the revolts in Egypt and Libya.

Hiram Ramirez, the multicultural community adviser, said the organization held a “lunch-n-learn” a couple of weeks ago. The event was hosted by a faculty member and the USF Muslim Students Association, and aimed to educate staff, faculty and students on the revolts occurring in the Arab world.

Ramirez also spoke of a future speaking engagement in the fall for the organization which will address issues of discrimination toward Muslims after the Sept. 11 attacks.

“We are making sure that all voices are getting heard,” he said. “During the time of 9-11, the nation was in a state of high tension and anger and they wanted a venue where they could release that. This caused a lot of violence for a lot of minority groups. This conference will address all of these issues and how we can approach and fix these issues as a community.”


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