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Student Life

USF Celebrates Earth Week 2011

Sunday, April 17 marked the beginning of Earth Week 2011, an entire week devoted to honoring Earth and raising concern for the need to improve the world environmentally.  The University of South Florida will host events all week long to support the cause.

REACH Peer Educators will celebrate the week with an event called Think Global. Act Local.  The event will be on Thursday, April 21 in the SVC breezeway and will allow students to find out different ways to be green, become informed on what USF is doing to help the cause , and pick up free snacks, according to the event details on the Division of Student Affairs website.

Also, joining in on some of the events is S.P.E.A.K., a student organization centralized around raising awareness and bringing an end to animal cruelty.  Lindsay Smith, member of the organization said, “We are trying to come up with ideas to promote the environment through vegetarianism/veganism,” via email.  S.P.E.A.K. will host a vegan demonstration in Juniper Dining on Friday, April 22.  The demonstration will include various delicious vegan and vegetarian dishes for all who join, according to the event details.

Although, the official Earth Day is not until Friday, April 22, USF will celebrate all week  in efforts to improve the environment for a better world and a better tomorrow.


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