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Student Life

USF Takes a Stand Against Sexual Violence

For the fifth year in a row, NITE (Necessary Improvements to Transform our Enviroment) hosted the Take Back the Night event, a candlelight vigil and slient march where students, faculty, and supporters from the community gathered to speak out for those victimized by sexual violence. The event was held in the MSC Amphitheater Wednesday, April 13.

A number of special guests attended the event, including pro-bowler, Lee Roy Selmon. Selmon led the REAL Men’s Promise aloud, followed by the men attendees who were asked to repeat the promise after him.

The event was concluded by Dean of Students, Dr. Kevin Banks, who led a reception and celebration of life. Banks sang aloud the lyrics of Ben E. King’s, Stand By Me and brought the audience to their feet as he sang the final verse, “just as long as you stand, stand by me.”

Eileen Dabrowski, advocate/educator in the USF Center for Victim Advocacy and Violence Prevention and student affairs liaison to NITE said, “A show of support sends a powerful message to those who’ve been victimized but also the victimizers. We want sexual violence to end, here and everywhere it happens in the world,” according to an article from USF News.


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