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News Roundup

All the news that’s fit for Bulls – April 2 edition

A new study finds that skin cancer rates among young adults have risen dramatically. I, for one, blame “The Jersey Shore.”

Skin cancer way up in young women and men.

Too manly for yoga? Introducing, “Broga.”

Ashton Kutcher to play Steve Jobs in his rise from hippie to Apple co-founder.

Legit news source plays an April Fool’s joke on Google News.

College student’s science fair project actually isn’t a bomb like TSA originally thought.

A few scientific reasons why your lukewarm coffee sucks.

Wedding expos are so played out. New York debuts the “divorce expo.”

Sarah Palin, you know, the woman who couldn’t name a single newspaper back in 2008, will co-host the Today Show.

Florida bunny murderer could get two years in prison.

While you spend your lunch break at Subway, Swedish people spend theirs at the club.


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