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News Roundup

All the news that’s fit for Bulls – April 3 edition

You knew it would only be a matter of time: Facebook may soon be able to tell you which one of your friends has an STI. That story and more in today’s roundup:

Facebook: the next tool in fighting sexually transmitted diseases?

British guy bought an Andy Warhol painting at a garage sale for $5.

Eating your pot when pulled over by the cops: good idea or bad idea?

Creepy graphic on several websites warns “Al Qaeda: coming soon again to N.Y”

The deadliest war in American history just got deadlier: Civil War demographics specialist estimates death toll was closer to 750,000.

Kentucky beats Kansas for NCAA title.

James Cameron makes change to Titanic, finally pleases all those nitpicky astronomers.

Oakland massacre: Seven dead in school shooting.

The technology we’ve all been waiting for, the $279,000 flying car could be released in a year.

You can now be buried in a bacon coffin. Yes, really.


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