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News Roundup

All the news that’s fit for Bulls – April 4 edition

Spelling, schmelling. Who needs it? Not journalism majors at the University of North Carolina. The UNC J-school has decided to ditch the spelling portion of its spelling and grammar test. Who says good journalism is on the decline?

UNC journalism school nixes spelling test.

Winslet on Titanic song: I feel like throwing up. I think we all agree, Kate.

Romney sweeps three states. So can we just call him the nominee?

The recession just got serious: Vanilla shortage could push ice cream up prices up by 10 percent.

Crazed cat attacks owner then smashes window to escape the fuzz. At least he made out with a badass arrest photo.

NBC apologizes for editing Zimmerman phone call.

“Hey girl, watch out for that car.” Ryan Gosling saves woman from getting run over by a taxi, no big deal.

Sinking ship: Yahoo lays off 2,000 employees.

Someone’s been taking d-bag lessons from Charlie Sheen. “Two and a Half Men” creator kinda sorry (but not really) for sexist jokes.

After a day of destruction yesterday, more storms may be headed for the Southeast.


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