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Student Life, Two Days in the Life of USF

Day in the life: class for social change collects school supplies

A group of University of South Florida Honor’s College students enrolled in a class entitled “Social Media, Social Change: One Pencil Can Help Bring Peace,” which required them to spend all semester utilizing social media to raise funds for school supplies to send to needy schoolchildren in Afghanistan. On this last day of class, the students pack 67 boxes and load them into Professor Liisa Temple’s car to be taken to the post office for shipment later that day.

(Photo taken on Apr. 23 at 11:07 a.m. by Allison Chalifoux)

About Allison Chalifoux

Hey everyone. I am a student at the University of South Florida majoring in magazine journalism. I am a triathlete so am always training and working out. (huge nutrition and exercise buff here). I love adventure, travel, and experiencing new and exciting things. I love to cook and bake. You can find me in the kitchen most of the time experimenting with new recipes. My dream is to eventually open my own bakery specializing in wedding cakes. My nickname is Little Sunshine, so the purpose of my blogs is to bring a smile to people's faces and inspire them in their day to day activities. I currently work as a lifeguard at Adventure Island in Tampa.


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