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Student Life

All the news that’s fit for Bulls – April 5 edition

Google previewed its new sci-fi glasses, and if it has any say in the matter we could be walking around like cyborgs by the year’s end. Check out the video for yourself.

Google unveils augmented reality specs.

Recently found fossils suggest T. Rex may have been fuzzier than we thought.

Why are people calling this Burger King ad racist?

Roman Reloaded: Is Nicki Minaj’s new album a crazy mess or brilliant?

Gross domestic product: Why American sperm (yes, the human kind) is a hot commodity.

Mega Millions lotto winner holds press conference to tell the press to go home.

Just when you thought TV couldn’t get any worse, Bravo goes ahead and greenlights LOLCats reality show.

Baseball stadiums aim to accomodate peanut-fearing fans with allergy-friendly, peanut-free seating zones.

Australian pilot: “You’re not going to believe this. I’ve got snakes on a plane.”


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