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Student Government

Goff inaugurated as Student Government’s 53rd president

Photo Credit: Diedra Rodriguez

After giving his oath, the new student body president Brian Goff shared a brotherly moment with the outgoing Chief Justice Robert Then.  Both are in the same fraternity – Delta Chi – with Goff being Then’s little brother. Goff, and his vice president George Papadeas, will succeed the former student body president Matt Diaz and vice president Zachary Johnson. Two years ago, Goff tried to impeach the then-president-pro-tempore Diaz for not updating Senate meeting minutes online. During the current school year Goff was the attorney general.

About Diedra Rodriguez

I am a current junior at the University of South Florida, majoring in Journalism-News Editorial. I have interned with The News Chief and The Ledger and will be interning full-time with the Tampa Bay Times this summer. I have been with The Oracle, USF's student newspaper for three years and have been a correspondent and news editor for the publication. In my spare time, I love going to the movies, running and using social media. I live, breathe and write news.


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