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Student Life, Two Days in the Life of USF

Day in the Life: Architecture student finishing semester project

Monday begins the last week of classes at the University of South Florida. The architecture building is flooded with students sanding and cutting wood in order to finish their work on time. Sophomore Juan Silva sits at a table working on his last project of the semester. The assignment is a continuation from his previous cardboard project. The cardboard piece is sitting in front of him as his guide for the final wooden product. With the project being due tomorrow, Silva prepares himself for a sleepless night and a large Starbucks tab. (Photo taken on Apr. 23 at 2:00 p.m. by Marissa Kosiec)

About Marissa Kosiec

-Student at the University of South Florida (GO BULLS!) -Majoring in Public Relations -Play lacrosse and softball -Love music more than anything -This is my first blog so enjoy! :)


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